Seeing as though everyone else has done this and I plan to spend a fair bit of time on this server, I have decided to introduce myself. Well... More?
Anyway, I'm Carlos/Hullaboo.
I'm 17 almost 18 in less than a month (Y), horar. I feel so old compared to most of all you other guys. xD, just saying...
I like Lego... I'm a pretty shit builder, I play Garry's Mod... Which I'm also shit at building on, but! I am a Moderator on a server called ELNO, you should check it out. A nice little build server.
I'm not usually a twat but if I am, sorry.
I like to have fun and I've had Minecraft since Alpha. It just keeps getting better and better. I'm pretty damn sure you'll all agree with me. I try to be friendly and I like to help people. So if you need help, just ask.
Oh yeah, I'm also fat and sit on my computer day in and day out... Because I have no life, sadly you can't buy them... Which sucks but yeah...
Anyway! I'm keeping you long enough. I hope I introduced myself well enough xD. If you're still reading this, kudos to you my good Sir.
Hullaboo x ;-)